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Let Me Learn
The Let Me Learn Process is an advanced learning system that stems from the idea that each and every learner owns a unique learning ‘fingerprint’. This is a process that enables individuals to understand and make sense of their own learning processes, providing them with means to articulate who they are as learners. The learning potential of the individual is maximised as learners engage in a metacognitive process that enables them to develop strategies in their journey of ‘learning to learn’.

Sometimes doing your best in the classroom is not enough. No matter how much time you invest in planning your work and in making resources, you fail to get through to some of your students. This is a feeling shared by a good number of educators most of whom would like to give an excellent service to their students. Although we know our lesson content well and we select activities which will fully complement the learning intentions, we usually fail to consider our learners and the way they learn. We assume that our learners are able to write, follow directions and create or build their own projects with ease.
Join our Professional Learning Process, a training programme targeted at classroom educators and LSEs. During these sessions your trainer will guide you step by step on how to learn more about your students’ learning patterns and how you can facilitate your students’ learning process. You will specifically learn how to guide your students’ metacognitive thinking and enabling them learn how to learn. Moreover, during our sessions we will discuss how to plan effective lessons embedding the Let Me Learn Process with the Learning Outcomes, how to recommend student specific study skills and exam strategies. You will also learn how to include cooperative learning in your lessons based on Let Me Learn methodology.
On top of it all, educators participating in our Professional Learning Process can choose to get accreditation equivalent to 25 ECTS Level 7 by the University of Malta for completing all requirements. More information can be obtained from our offices.
The Let Me Learn Process will help you understand how educators, parents and students make sense of the world around them based on their unique learning profile. By gaining an understanding of this process, you will gain valuable insights and deeper appreciation of your colleagues and the people you come into contact with on a daily basis. You will also learn how to improve group interactions and dynamics between members of the SLT, staff members, students and parents.
Members of the SLT are welcome to attend our Professional Learning Process in their bid to support classroom educators throughout this journey of learning and discovery. When members of the SLT participate in this training process together with their staff, educators feel that they have a common language with their superiors that enables them to discuss student progress. This process also enables members of the SLT to gain a deeper insight when observing classroom practices. It will also empower them to give appropriate and personalised feedback to each and every staff member.
Look at our page for Educators to read about the benefits imparted to classroom teachers and LSEs through the Let Me Learn Professional Learning Process.
- Do you feel that your child is not developing his/her full potential?
- Do you feel that you and your child are worlds apart when it comes to tackling learning situations?
- Would you like to gain a better understanding of how to offer your support to your child according to his/her learning profile?
The Let Me Learn Process helps parents first and foremost understand themselves and who they are as learners. It then helps them to understand their children and possibly why they differ so much when they come to completing homework tasks and in studying approaches. The Let Me Learn Process helps both parents and students to find effective strategies to help them accomplish learning tasks successfully. It also provides parents with effective tools to support their children in their learning journey.
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What they say…
I realised how my learning patterns differ to my wife’s, who is high in Confluence, when it comes to roles in the home. I take care of all the accounts and home maintenance whilst my wife comes up with wonderful ideas e.g. about how to improve and decorate our home. I am looking forward to understanding my children’s scores too.
I was able to understand better my work relationships with other members of the Senior Management Team. For many years I worked with a Head who had a high score in Confluence: he would come up with some of the ideas and I would organise and implement them!
I realised at once that LML matches very closely to the main objectives of Science teaching. Science methodology, in fact encourages the inclusion of Sequential, Precise, Technical and Confluent in each “lesson… The LML process gives the teacher the tools to attain the objectives of Inquiry Based Learning.
I was introduced to the four learning patterns and I immediately began to comprehend myself better as a person and as a learner. I understood the reasons for my avoidance of situations where Technical Reasoning is required and somehow it was an enormous relief to learn that there was nothing particularly wrong with me for feeling this way.
I became aware of possible reasons underlying learner difficulties such as the learner who does not score high in Sequence and is required to put ideas in the right order in writing a narrative; or the learner who has high Precision and has to wait for the end of the process in order to get feedback from the teacher.
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